News & Events Weekly Update

26 October 2020


News and Events across the Diocese of Parramatta and beyond


Diocese of Parramatta Notices


Diocese of Parramatta COVID-19 update

Parishes across Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains have COVID-Safety plans in place requiring social distancing, maximum attendance figures and other safety measures. We also highly recommend wearing masks to Mass and other services. You are encouraged to check with your parish on what measures they have in place before attending. For more information, please visit the Diocesan website

Welcome to The Well

The Diocese of Parramatta proudly announces its latest initiative – The Well. In what can be described as ‘Netflix for Catholics’, The Well is a new online platform that provides free, ‘on-demand’ inspiration for families, children, young people and faith communities. Explore fresh offerings every week on topical issues that inform, entertain and challenge. Check it out at

CatholicCare is still open and operational

CatholicCare Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains services remain open and operational during the current COVID-19 outbreak. Individual offices have been closed to clients, but the service continues to operate with care and support offered via phone, video conferencing/telehealth and online. Some programs are continuing to run groups via video conference. To make a referral, call (02) 8843 2500 (Mon-Thu 8.30am-8pm, Fri 8.30am-5pm, Sat 9am-1pm), email – or visit

Natural Fertility Services is still open

Following COVID-19 restrictions, Natural Fertility Services has reintroduced face-to-face instruction. We will, however, continue with Zoom meetings as this has enabled more couples access to information. We have educators available to teach any of the three methods of Natural Family Planning. If you would like more information, or to book an appointment, please contact Catherine via email or call 0400 427 605.

Office for Worship Resources available

The Office For Worship has a range of resources available for purchase for individuals and parishes. Resources such as parent material for a child’s baptism and a collation of prayers can be purchased from the Office For Worship by contacting (02) 8838 3457.

Catholic Youth Parramatta engaging young people in new ways

Catholic Youth Parramatta has established a dynamic schedule of networking opportunities, formation and resources to support ministry and engagement with young people of the Diocese in new ways. From inspiring quotes and scripture references on Mondays, to faith-filled live performances on Wednesday to launching new home-grown resources on Friday. Check out CYP’s Facebook and Instagram pages and to download and share the resources.

Diocese of Parramatta Tribunal remains open

The Tribunal of the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Parramatta remains open and committed to assisting anyone who has questions regarding marriage annulments. Please direct all enquires to the Tribunal office on 8838 3480 or email The office is open Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.

St Bernadette’s Lalor Park Wednesday Evening Devotions

St Bernadette’s Parish, Lalor Park, is hosting weekly devotions to Mary Immaculate and St Bernadette every Wednesday evening at 7pm, followed by Mass at 7.30pm. All are welcome. For more information, contact the parish office on 02 9672 4037 or

Social Justice COVID-19 Food and Toiletries Drive

Jesuit Refugee Service and House of Welcome are dealing with a 400% increase in emergency assistance calls and are needing to feed over 1,000 people facing destitution each week. You can help by running a food and toiletry drive or donating yourself. For more information, contact Patrice Moriarty 0409 399 505 or, House of Welcome or JRS

Call for Nominations for the Diocesan Pastoral Council

Bishop Vincent is calling for nominations for the Diocesan Pastoral Council. Working with the Bishop, the Diocesan Pastoral Council assists with the pastoral governance of the Church. The Council are seeking a cross-section of people from across the Diocese with different backgrounds and experiences. For more information, or to fill out the nomination form, please visit Applications close Monday 2 November.

St Patrick’s Cathedral Parish All Souls’ Day Masses: 2 November

To commemorate All Souls’ Day on 2 November, Mass will be celebrated at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta at 6.30am, 12.30pm and 7pm. A special Mass will also be held at St Patrick’s Cemetery in North Parramatta at 6pm. For more information, contact the Cathedral Parish on (02) 8839 8400.

Office for Worship Short Formation Course for Readers

The Office for Worship will be running a short formation course focussing on the practicalities of Reading at Mass with guest presenter Br Michael Dredge cfc. It will be held over three dates:

  • Saturday 7 November – 10am-12noon at St Oliver Plunkett Parish, Harris Park
  • Thursday 12 November – 7-9pm at St Nicholas of Myra Parish, Penrith
  • Thursday 19 November – 7-9pm at Institute for Mission, Blacktown

If you are interested, or would like more information, please contact the Office for Worship on (02) 8838 3456 or

Pastoral Council Formation and Training

The Pastoral Planning Office is leading a series of formation and training sessions for new and continuing members of parish pastoral councils via Zoom on 11, 18 and 25 November from 7.30pm. Our parish pastoral councils offer a wonderful way to explore how communities can “go and make disciples”. To register, please visit and for enquiries, please contact Lisa Bright on 0448 652 720.

Permanent Diaconate Information Session: 12 December

Couples considering a call to the Permanent Diaconate are invited to attend an information session on Saturday 12 December from 10am to 12noon at the Institute for Mission, Blacktown. Couples who decide to proceed with the discernment process will be asked to meet with the Vocations Committee in 2021. To RSVP, please contact Deacon Willy Limjap on 0428 332 619 or or Deacon George Bryan on 0408 440 769 or



Other Notices


Positions Vacant:

  • Head of Mission Integration – Caritas Australia

For more details, please visit

  • Religious Education Coordinator – St Francis Xavier Catholic School, Daly River, Northern Territory – Applications close 2 November

For more details, please visit

ACBC Social Justice Statement 2020-21

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the mental health of many members of our parishes, schools and communities. In the Social Justice Statement 2020-21, To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today, the Bishops invite us all to reject stigmatisation and to call for policies and service provision that meets the needs of the poorest and most marginalised members of our community. Download the Statement at

St Mary’s Towers Retreat Centre Staged Reopening

St Mary’s Retreat Centre in Douglas Park, NSW, has re-commenced its 2020 retreat program. A range of six-day retreats running from October to January 2021 have spaces available, with some reaching capacity. For more information on the available retreats, please contact, phone (02) 4630 0233 or visit

Madonna magazine – a gift of spiritual sustenance that lasts a whole year

Madonna magazine, published by Jesuit Communications, is an ideal spiritual companion – containing daily prayers, deep reflections and faith-focused articles. We invite you to subscribe or consider taking out a gift subscription for a loved one for only $53 a year. You can find out more about Madonna, how to subscribe, purchase a gift subscription or donate a subscription on the website:

Mt Schoenstatt Spirituality Centre is taking bookings for 2020/2021

As a COVID-safe registered business, the Mt Schoenstatt Spirituality Centre, Mulgoa, is once again available for personal or small group bookings to discern and plan for what the future might look like. They have also begun taking bookings for 2021, with numbers set to increase as restrictions return to normal. For more information, please call (02) 4773 8338, email or visit

Vote to authorise The Sydney Statement

After numerous workshops and drafts over 18 months, Youth PoWR (Parliament of the World’s Religions) launched The Sydney Statement, a new charter for interfaith relations on Thursday 15 October. Young adults aged 18-35 from different religions are encouraged to vote for The Sydney Statement and to authorised its publication. Don’t miss out on this chance to transform interfaith relations in Sydney and beyond. Voting is online at

Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend: 7 – 8 November

How prepared are you for marriage? Engaged Encounter provides you with deeper insights into each other and into married life. We give you a chance to spend time together to strengthen and enrich your relationship. The next Engaged Encounter Weekend will be held on 7 – 8 November at St Joseph’s Baulkham Hills. For further information and to register, visit

Abraham Conference 2020 – ‘Interfaith on the Frontlines’: 15 November

The Abraham Conference plays an important role in bringing Jews, Christians and Muslims together to discuss contemporary issues of concern for the members of the three religions and for the wider society. This year’s conference, which will discuss “Interfaith on the Frontlines”, will be livestreamed for free via Zoom on Sunday 15 November from 2pm to 3.30pm. To register, please visit

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Marriage Enrichment Weekend: 20 – 22 November

The Worldwide Marriage Encounter are hosting a Marriage Enrichment Weekend from 20 to 22 November at the Mt Carmel Retreat Centre, Varroville, NSW. Learn to become the best version of yourselves together and live your best life in love. Book online at or contact Christine and Terry Mahony on 0490 774 419 or

Rachel’s Vineyard Healing after Abortion Retreat: 4 – 6 December

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat offers women and men a sanctuary in which to rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion in a safe, supportive and non-judgmental environment. The next healing retreat will be held 4 to 6 December 2020. Rachel’s Vineyard has created a confidential free online individually guided reflection at a time to suit you. To enquire about these programs, call their confidential number (voice mail): 0400 092 555 or visit

Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend: 21 – 22 February 2021

How prepared are you for marriage? Engaged Encounter provides you with deeper insights into each other and into married life. We give you a chance to spend time together to strengthen and enrich your relationship. The next Engaged Encounter Weekend will be held on 21 – 22 February 2021 at St Joseph’s Baulkham Hills. For further information and to register, visit


For more events please go to:

Please note, some of these notices have been provided to the Diocese of Parramatta, with the request they be made available to parishes and parishioners. The Diocese of Parramatta makes these notices available for information purposes only and does not expressly endorse any of this material, unless otherwise specified. The Diocese of Parramatta cannot be held responsible for any inaccurate or defamatory content.


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